Addiction & Recovery
Loop Journal: A New Path to Self-Discovery [Book]
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Playing Through the Pain- Ken Caminiti and the Steroids Confession That Changed Baseball Forever by Dan Good
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Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption
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Buddhism and the Twelve Steps: A Recovery Workbook for Individuals and Groups (Buddhism & the Twelve Steps)
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Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society
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Allen Carr's Quit Drinking Without Willpower: Be a happy nondrinker (Allen Carr's Easyway, 2)
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Driving with CARE: Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Impaired Driving Education Strategies for Responsible Living and Change: a Cognitive Behavioral Approach: The Participant′s Workbook, Level I Education [Book]
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Quitter: A Memoir of Drinking, Relapse, and Recovery [Book]
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Treating Co-Occurring Addictive and Mental Health Conditions: Foundations Recovery Network Workbook
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Sobriety Workbook for Women By Jennifer Leupp
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That's What Junkies Do -- Thomas Figlioli
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Easy Way to Control Alcohol
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Parenting Through Your Adult Child's Addiction: Making Sense of Treatment, Aftercare, and Recovery Recommendations
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Unexpected Joy of Being Sober Journal
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From Dope to Hope [Book]
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Breaking the Circuit: How to Rewire Your Mind for Hope, Resilience, and Joy in the Face of Trauma
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Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking - Moby the Great
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Alcoholics Anonymous Large Print Books 12 Step Recovery Program
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The Anonymous Press Concordance to Alcoholics Anonymous by The Anonymous Press
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